Difference between Korea made accessories and replicas NOT made in Korea <-- New Photos Added!

At Corals Accessories, we love to shop online for nice and cheap accessories too! And in the course of our shopping, we sometimes face disappointment. Especially when the accessories we received are not as shown in the picture. Therefore we can understand the worries and reluctance of some customers to buy accessories online.

Let's look at what are the differences between the original Made in Korea accessories and some of their replicas made elsewhere.

Picture of item as shown in our site:

Photos of actual items:

Picture above shows a pair of earring with a doggy stud and a dangling attachment. Can you see the difference between the one on the left and the one on the right? 

Make a guess which one is made in Korea. Let's take a closer look at the dangling attachment.

Can you see that the crystal is badly glued onto the metal part for the one on the right? Look at the finishing of the metal part. The one on the right has a terrible metal finishing as compared to the one on the left. So have you guessed it? 

The one on the left is from a pair of earring imported from Korea. While the one on the right is cheap replica from elsewhere.

 Let's look at another design. The butterfly and heart earring studs.

Picture as shown in our site:

Photos of actual items:

Can you tell the difference between the two pairs? Let's take a closer look.

The finishing of the heart and the butterfly studs are so different. The heart on the white backing has even got some peeling off. And the size of the studs are different too. 

The pair with a white backing is made elsewhere while the pair with the pink backing is made in Korea.

And another example:

Picture of item as shown in our site:

Photos of actual items:

The one on the left is what we are selling and the one on the right is the gold color version sold somewhere else.

All our Korea IMPORTED accessories are made in Korea and are not replicas. So be assured of the quality of the accessories when buying from us! 

We welcome feedbacks from customers and in cases when you are not satisfied with your purchase, refunds are possible.

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